Demystifying ChatGPT: Harnessing the Potential of AI Conversations And Understanding The Risks

Renato Francia
13 min readApr 17, 2024
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

“Can I borrow your homework for a minute?” — said one of my so-called high school friends while scanning every one of my answers on that white paper.

“Sure, just don’t copy everything”- I said as I could see how he suddenly started to copy non-stop as a madman for 10 minutes before the start of the class.

His eyes quickly targeted my work while his pencil created an exact replica of the answers that had consumed me a full afternoon the day before.

After he was done, he only said thanks. And proudly delivered his paper as his own. That “copy-and-paste” bastard cost me a C-. But it taught me a well-deserved lesson:

Copy-paste people suck.

Back in 2005, copying wasn’t much big of a deal since it was restricted to certain niches. Like homework and maybe a few political speeches.

We could at least see people put some effort into the copying. With modern tools, it’s not so easy to spot. Because why put the effort if a machine can do it for you.

Medium thinks so as well. In the article “Medium is for human storytelling, not AI-generated writing” Medium’s VP of Content Scott Lamb mentions this:

We are a home for



Renato Francia

Software Developer, Digital Nomad, Blogger and Tech Enthusiast.