The Hackspace: What if Michael Scott worked in Tech Agency

Renato Francia
5 min readJul 23, 2020
  • Michael Scott — Project Manager
  • Jim Harper — Frontend Developer
  • Dwight Schrute — Backend Developer
  • Pam Beasley — Social Media Manager
  • Toby Flenderson- Sr. Developer (Contractor)
  • Stanley Hudson — Sr. Backend Developer (Looking for another job)
  • Oscar Martinez — Q&A engineer
  • Kevin Malone — Q&A tester
  • Angela Martin — Q&A tester
  • Roy — Startup Guy (Pam’s Fiancee)

(It’s a Friday morning and the camera enters Dunder Mifflin Virtual Agency. A hackspace that has two floors and on the second floor is where the computers are)

(Michael Interview)

Michael: Do I love working in Virtual Agency That requires me to wake up and allows me to come into work wearing pajamas? Of course, I do. But most importantly, I believe that because we are a virtual agency we can make this space anything we want it to be.

Last time, I created a Pacman with post-its. Who knows what will I do next? Perhaps a pizza or a Miss Pacman.

My job is to make digital dreams come true. By thinking them and then telling people to do what I’m thinking. In a way, I’m like Walt Disney. An innovator that draws a cartoon and then tells others to draw the same thing a thousand times to create dreams.

Well, actually that’s the designer’s job. But I make sure the client is able to see it well inside their computers.

(Jim Interview)

Jim: Hi. I’m Jim. My job is… well, it’s very simple. I make things come to live inside the screens. I deal with pixels and colors …. and shapes. Making sure all looks well for the client and according to design.

Hmm….. I’m actually boring myself just saying all this.

But without my work users will have a hard time using our app. I like to make it look good so that Pam is able to show something to be proud of.

(Dwight interview)

Dwight: Jim’s work is meaningless. It makes everything slow and useless. It breaks apart all my good work and he should be fired.

What do I do?

I make 0’s and 1’s follow orders. I enter the code and rule it like a god. I’m the guy you want to talk with when you want things to work for real. The world would be a much better place if everyone learned to use the operating system command lines instead of being spoiled into clicking.

See this mouse? I haven’t used it since 1995.

(Pam Interview)

Pam: I guess I’m not much of an important role here. But I like to hang around Jim and him teaching me how to share our content on social media. He’s always creating these nice animations and trying to teach me how to code. I’m not really sure if I want to do that though but it’s nice that someone is trying to help.

Especially since Roy is preparing everything for the wedding. He is telling me that his startup is going to fly and that my social media skills will be vital. But I don’t know if I can live on equity only.

Especially since it’s currently worth basically nothing.

(Michael makes an announcement)

Michael: Alright everyone. As you all know, today is a special day because is release day! We are going to show the world what we have made with all our effort. I’m so excited to see all the thank you letters we will receive on Monday.

Toby: Michael. You can’t release on a Friday because that may break the app and we might lose a lot of data. And that may create a lot of complaints…..

(Michael staring at Toby)

Michael: Why are you the way you are?

(Interview Michael)

Michael: Toby has always been the worst part of my Disneyland. He was hired because “corporate” was receiving too many complaints from customers about lost data and errors.

But he’s not even part of the company. He’s a contractor.

Like an outsider. Or a parasite. I’m sure he’s going to steal our apps.

(Back to the scene)

Pam: Michael, people complained last time that our app was working funny all weekend. I had to work all Saturday and Sunday answering tweets.

Michael: Really? When was that?

Pam: Last week.

Michael: Oh yeah, I remember. That was a nice weekend on the beach. Terrible reception though.

Jim: Pam’s right Michael. You can’t release it on a Friday because that may cause trouble.

Dwight: Oh Boo hoo. Is someone afraid to work in a weekend?

(Dwight Interview)

Dwight: I’ve been working a lot secretly. Every weekend for the past 6 months I’ve been creating bitcoin farms and maintaining them. Sometimes it gets really hot because the fan I ordered has not come yet so I have to be naked while working.

But by the end of the year, Schrute bitcoin farms are going to make me very rich.

(Back to the scene)

Dwight: Michael. If you release that app today, I will be fixing stuff 24/7 here. It will be like a Dunder Mifflin Hackathon.

Jim: That’s a terrible idea.

Michael: Jim is right. I can’t let you hack any computers on the weekends. That’s illegal.

Oscar: Michael. A hackathon is when you work on a project for a long time with no pay but sometimes a prize.

(Oscar Interview)

Oscar: I’m the head of Quality and Assurance. Mostly known as Q&A for short.

But that doesn’t help since the first time told that to Michael he thought we were in charge of answering everything like a question. Like Jeopardy.

(Back to the scene)

Michael: What is prize?

(Jim staring at the camera)

Michael: Ok ok. The important thing here is that we are delivering the work that we are all making. We are all like a family that likes to solve the problems of strangers.

And if we create more problems, that means we will get more jobs.

Stanley: How so?

(Stanley Interview)

Stanley: When I heard that Dunder Mifflin was a remote company I figured that I would be able to work from home.

Then Michael said it was a job remote from home.

I’ve been searching for another job but I can’t leave since I have to pay for my daughter’s student loan. So I’m stuck in a Job that now expects me to work for free on the weekends.

(Back to the scene)

Michael: Ok, let’s just say what if I get some pizzas and we all have a sleepover while working.

Kevin: That sounds AWESOME!

(Kevin Interview)

Kevin: It’s funny how much pizza can help.

It’s the perfect food.

Easy to eat and you can find it anywhere. I’m just hoping he also brings sodas as well.

(Back to the scene)

Angela: That’s disgusting. You will just make the place smell bad and get the computers dirty.

(Angela Interview)

Angela: I think computers should be always clean.

(Angela showing her computer with cat memes) How can I see my stickers if these are stained with pizza juice?

(Back to the scene)

Oscar: Michael, Why are you being so pushy on this? What’s going on?

Michael: Nothing. Why would I be bothered?

(Trying not to look at everyone) Hum, I think there are some emails I have to attend to.

(Michael Interview)

Michael: Last week …



Renato Francia

Software Developer, Digital Nomad, Blogger and Tech Enthusiast.